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Oznam –; on Thursday 25.04.2024 Obecný úrad Častá –; closed

Dear citizens, on Thursday 25.04.2024 will be the Municipal Office of Častá due to interruption of electricity distribution closed and will not provide any services (telephone lines will also be down)

To deliver your request, you can use the mailbox located at the municipal office building or electronic communication (e-mail, electronic mailbox), to which we will respond the next day.

Za pochopenie ďakujeme. ;
Municipal office Častá

Detailed information about streets without electricity distribution of the day 25.04.2024 in attachments.

25.04.2024 Hlavná ul.

25.04.2024Cooperative, Home, Cyprus, Zámocká ul.

25.04.2024 Hlavná ul.63