Event announcement: 4.8.2024 NAY GRAN FONDO Bratislava –; bicycle race
On 04.08.2024 the NAY GRAN FONDO Bratislava road cycling race will pass through the village of Častá, which start at 10:00 in Bratislava in front of Bory Mall Lamač. The race will pass through our village Častá and through Červený kamen for approx: from 11:41 do 12:30 throw.
We ask citizens to be considerate. Alternatively, come and support the cyclists.
Route map is listed on the race website granfondobratislava.sk.
More detailed times in the attachment:
NAY GREAT FUND 2024 –; transit times
The race organizer is looking for transport coordinators for the race to the given municipalities. You can sign up at this link I have the obligation to publish the contracts in the Central Register of Contracts://granfondobratislava.sk/hladame-dobrovolnikov/, financial reward €10/hour.