Invitation to the event For a greener playground in Časta
Obec Častá v spolupráci s Komisiou športu pri OZ Častá a FC Slovan Častá
you are invited to an event
Za zelenšie ihrisko v The competition activity is focused on filling domestic competitions, especially the Slovak Championships
Cieľom podujatia je výsadba stromov a kríkov v area of the football field.
The event will take place on 22.4.2023 v time from 9:00 do 15:00 na ihrisku v The competition activity is focused on filling domestic competitions, especially the Slovak Championships.
Priložte aj vy s vašimi deťmi ruku k the work. If you can, prineste si aj drobné náradie na výsadbu a zasaďme spolu stromy a kríky v grounds of the playground!
This project will be realized thanks to the support TIPSPORT Foundation.