Pripojenie na verejnú kanalizáciu –; extended validity of the BVS statement.
Dear fellow citizens, who, for various reasons, did not have time to connect their property to public sewage in the simplified mode (NO FEE AND NO PROJECT DOCUMENTATION), you can do so in the next period. The municipality of Častá requested the Bratislava Water Company to extend the validity of the BVS' statement on the connection to the public sewer for properties on the streets: "Štefanovská, New, Cemetery, Podhorská, Pink, Sokolská, Pension EMA, At the top, Jankovičova, Castle, Home, Mraznicka, Cooperative, Veterná and Podzámocká".
The BVS statement is valid for two years since the day 10.05.2021 under the number: 19325/2021/JJ
The municipality recommends citizens to join as soon as possible, because BVS reserves the right to change the statement based on newly emerging facts.
Form: Request for verification of technical conditions for connection to public sewage must be submitted to the Bratislava water company, a.s.