Propositions 17. year of the Green Oases grant program 2023
Ako môžete získať podporu pre váš projekt a ako ho prihlásiť do programu.
You have an idea, which will improve the environment in your village or city and you can do it through volunteer work, in which you join forces with your friends, neighbors and acquaintances?
You want to modify the park, playground, hiking trail or other public space in your neighborhood? You would like to plant an alley or a park or start a garden or an orchard? You want to take care of a location of natural or cultural interest, clean a stream or pond, adjust and mark the educational path or walking route, improve the school garden, create a classroom in nature? Maybe there is a place in your area, where you like to go and enjoy the view of the surrounding countryside and would like to beautify it, to attract more local residents or tourists, alebo ho dať do poriadku a sprístupniť verejnosti.
if yes, sign in with your idea to 17. year of the SLOVNAFT grant program, Read this guide, and the Ekopolis Foundation called Green Oases. SLOVNAFT company, Read this guide, donates an amount to this year's program 60 000 eur, ktorá bude rozdelená medzi najlepšie projekty.
Objective of the program
Grantový program Zelené oázy podporuje aktívnych občanov v non-profit organizations, local governments, school facilities and leisure centers in the creation, restoration or revitalization of ecologically valuable sites and routes. An important goal of the program is to support cooperation and partnerships at the local level between the above-mentioned entities. The program supports the permanent care of environmentally valuable sites, which serve the general public, podporujú ochranu prírody a trvalú udržateľnosť.
Topic 17. of the Green Oases year
S idea, spolu a responsibly (Pension EMA # We can do a lot together)
Everyone counts! Any good idea, every helping hand, every activity, ktorá zlepší životné prostredie v meste či on countryside. Sedemnásty ročník grantového programu Zelené oázy podporuje zodpovedné a sustainable ideas, ktoré dnes spájajú ľudí pri formovaní pestrého prostredia v which I live, ale slúžiť bude aj budúcim generáciám.
Dnes s vďakou užívame hodnoty prírodného a cultural wealth, which our ancestors left us. Many people today still feel a similar responsibility towards future generations. Prichádzajú s dobrými nápadmi a they implement them. Tvorivo pretvárajú mestské a rural environment so, aby bolo plné zelene a ecologically sensitive and humanly attractive solutions. Often simple, but effective, for example, ako priniesť do ulíc prirodzený tieň a ochladiť verejné priestranstvá pred zničujúcou horúčavou v summer months, zadržiavať zrážkovú vodu a use it when it is lacking, to plant or revitalize parks, and, gardens. Vytvárajme pestré prostredie a let's take good care of him, aby v budúcnosti zhodnotilo našu energiu a ostalo tu pre radosť aj úžitok nasledujúcich generácií.
Target territories
Presne vymedzené zelené územia a trasy v intravillains, alebo v bezprostrednom okolí miest a obcí
(public parks, recreation areas and playgrounds, school gardens and parks, stagnant bodies of water and watercourses, wetlands and biocorridors, routes for non-motorized transport, nature trails, natural and culturally interesting sites, unused, possibly neglected areas with the potential for their use, etc.).
The grant program supports
· planting of new greenery and revitalization of original greenery (mainly woody plants, but also permanent grasslands, flowers, fruit and vegetable crops, restoration of old orchards, podporu pestovania krajových odrôd s with the aim of preserving, or expand the gene pool),
· creation, or restoration of elements of small garden and park architecture in public spaces and viewing points, for example: bike racks, benches, tables, sheds, bridges, information panels and artistic elements, facilities for relaxation, while the environmentally acceptable method of construction is also evaluated,
· creation and improvement of production gardens, fields and orchards on public areas (in general, school, community and so on.), podpora zadržiavania a reusing rainwater for the needs of production or ornamental gardens,
· zadržiavanie zrážkovej vody a jej využívanie pri starostlivosti o planted greenery,
· site improvement, routes and sidewalks – water, cycling, walking/ cross-country skiing, of horses, (creation and modification of educational paths and cycle paths, budovanie zázemia pre rozvoj vodáckej turistiky a pod.),
· cleaning public spaces, water courses and surfaces, including the revitalization of riparian vegetation,
· disclosure and promotion naturally, culturally and historically interesting locations,
· presentation of local, regional products,
· the establishment of suitable demonstration areas for the breeding of small farm animals and bees
in combination with the green areas mentioned above,
· disclosure, adjustment and completion attractive, hodnotných a zaujímavých lokalít v protected, or otherwise landscape-valued territories.
Grant amount
The maximum grant amount for one project is 5 000 eur.
When budgeting, which must be part of the project, based on your real needs.
Možnosti použitia finančných prostriedkov z grantu
· planting material, tree seedlings, roof, plants, when buying, prefer the original, or domesticated traditional tree species, krov a plants, the maximum recommended price for one seedling is 100 eur, higher costs must be convincingly justified,
· auxiliary planting material and landscaping, koly, mesh, bite protection, anchoring material, substrate, fertilizer, irrigation bags, mycorrhizal fungi, mulčovacia štiepka z deciduous trees, stones, a pod.,
· pomôcky a materiál na šetrné hospodárenie s vodou, water tanks, foil, surfaces for water absorption, etc,
· tools and other necessities, in volume maximum 10% z the required budget,
· dopravné a transport costs, when purchasing, we recommend choosing regional suppliers, unless that is not possible, it is necessary to justify it,
· objects and elements installed in public spaces, v súlade s environmentálnym zámerom
project, Cannot be ordered for testing. their repair - purchase/production of such elements, material,
· professional advice, služby arboristov, dendrologists, maximum 10 % of the requested amount,
· microbreeding, bee colonies, poultry, pigeons, králiky a pod.,
· direct communication, promotional and administrative costs necessary for the implementation of the project, maximálne 10% z the required budget,
The program does not support
· planting conifers, cut hedges, planting of seasonal greenery, (jednoročných a biennial plants), cultivars incapable of reproduction,
· použitie akýchkoľvek chemických prostriedkov na ničenie škodcov a weeds, artificial fertilizers, farbenej mulch bark,
· neodbúrateľné geo textílie a other plastic elements preventing the growth of greenery
· labor costs,
· purchase of land,
· náhradné výsadby podľa Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year 48 of the law 543 o ochrane prírody a krajiny z year 2002
Who can apply for a grant
· registered non-governmental non-profit organizations,
· základné a stredné školy a school organizations,
· leisure centers and community centres,
· cities and municipalities - municipalities only in partnership with one of the above-mentioned eligible applicants.
Criteria evaluated during the selection of projects
Applicants and their projects must meet all of the following conditions:
· žiadosť je nutné doložiť súhlasom s implementation of the project from the administrator or owner of the land,
· appropriate species composition, odôvodnenie zvolených druhov a seedling size v súvislosti s planting location, veľkosťou a the nature of the land, other functions, which the location provides or. should provide after the implementation of the project,
· public involvement, a substantial part of the work must be done in the form of voluntary work, active involvement of the public (creating a vision, planning, budgeting, implementation-brigades, follow-up care) is a necessary condition for project support,
· the applicant must clearly demonstrate the contribution of own resources, at least 20 % z celkového podporeného rozpočtu a that in the form of finance, services or material in this value, a higher own deposit is an advantage, voluntary work is not considered an own resource,
· activities carried out at water courses and areas must be consulted with their managers, the approving opinion of the manager of the stream or water body must be attached to the application,
· territory, which is the subject of the project, it must be completely completed after the project is implemented,
· musí ísť o comprehensive, clearly defined territory in the urban area of the city/municipality, or in its immediate vicinity,
· the territory must be in public ownership or use and accessible to the general public without restrictions,
· pri realizácii projektov environmentally acceptable practices are used, nástroje a materials,
· subsequent long-term care of project outputs s considering its thoughtfulness, efektivitu a financing,
· v prípade establishment of small farm animals or beekeeping, we recommend consulting the plan with a hygienist in advance, veterinarian, possibly with experienced members of breeding organizations
· planting trees, especially tall, je vhodné konzultovať s an arborist or other planting expert,
· the project must not be implemented in the immediate vicinity of the filling station of SLOVNAFT, Read this guide.
Žiadosť –; detailed description of the project
(the structure of the text part)
The project description must contain
· Practical justification of your proposed solution.
· Opis cieľového stavu a funkcie územia po realizácii projektu.
· List of all planned activities, ktoré chcete v rámci projektu zrealizovať.
· Pokiaľ realizátor plánuje výsadbu drevín v spring season, je potrebné v activities to indicate specific measures related to care, predovšetkým so zalievaním sadeníc až do konca vegetačného obdobia.
· Please indicate the individual activities, who will be responsible for them and how they will be implemented (napr.
volunteer work, custom made, free/paid, …;).
· List of collaborating/partner organizations and estimated number of people, who will participate in the project activities (nongovernmental organizations, residents, pupils, teachers, who adopted the other husband's surname at the time of the marriage, seniors, athletes etc.).
· Ako bude vami upravený priestor slúžiť verejnosti.
· The approximate size of the selected area ( ) a prehľadný náčrt alebo fotografiu plochy v pôvodom stave.
· Species composition and number of planned plants for planting (planting plan) aj s odôvodnením tohto výberu.
· In the case of garden and park architecture, types and number of elements (if it's possible, drawing, Carnival, vizualizácia …;).
· Method, which will ensure follow-up care even after the end of implementation (space maintenance, its use, etc.).
· Method of presentation of the project and activities (ako chcete so zámerom oboznámiť verejnosť v locality), photo documentation.
· Pri výsadbe stromov a shrubs, we recommend giving preference to plant species, ktoré sú pre váš región typické a tradičné.
· Pri výbere drevín plánovaných na výsadbu zohľadnite ich vhodnosť a resistance to soil conditions, microclimate, irrigation, vandalizmus a possibly other factors, such as salting communication, local overheating, dustiness, exhaláty a pod.
· Výsadby odporúčame konzultovať vopred s odborníkmi –; dendrologists, arborist, with state nature protection workers in your region, etc.
· Focus mainly on the way the project is implemented (na opis konkrétnej spolupráce partnerov/podporovateľov /občanov na lokálnej úrovni/ samosprávy/školských zariadení…;).
· Focus on interesting ideas, the originality of the solution, ale aj na jeho jednoduchosť a na estetickú
page, whether it fits into the given environment, so that the solution does not disturb the so-called. „Genius loci“.
· We recommend that you consult the project intention with the program manager of the Ekopolis Foundation before submitting the application itself electronically, poštou či telefonicky.
Attachments to the complete application:
· Declaration of the local government on project support and cooperation (uveďte konkrétne príklady
cooperation, specific support activities).
· Declaration of the school on participation in the project with a description of specific activities (LEN, ak je škola partnerom
· Document proving the consent of the owner (tenant, administrator) pozemku s activities.
· Consent of the nature protection authority according to the law 543 / from year 2002 (Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year 6, paragraph 4) to change the state of wetlands, refers to projects affecting the locations in question or their immediate surroundings.
· Consent of the watercourse administrator in cases, when required by the Water Act (the law 364 / z year 2004) Fotografie súčasného stavu lokality z ktorých je možné si spraviť dobrú predstavu o mieste kde má byť projekt realizovaný.
· Drawing, plan, alebo vizualizácia navrhovaného riešenia či výsadby.
· Exact location, kind of, počet a tree size, Cannot be ordered for testing. planting plan.
Ako zaregistrovať žiadosť o grant
An applicant for a grant submits a project in the form of an application, which must contain a brief summary of the project,
basic data about the applicant and about the area, which the project concerns, schedule of activities, budget with specific items and specification, who will implement the project and how.
The application must be submitted electronically. Formulár je dostupný na,
Please, do not send requests by email (do not bypass the online form, because your request sent by email will not be accepted). Please also, aby ste neposielali nevyžiadané prílohy.
The last date for registering the application is 16. January 2023 do 12:00 hod.
When preparing projects, you can use consultations with the staff of the Ekopolis Foundation. Dohodnite sa s nimi
telefonicky alebo emailom v dostatočnom časovom predstihu pred uzávierkou prihlášok.
Pension EMA: Ľubica Štúberová, Slovak National Museum -:, Kamenárstvo Majstro offers. 048/ 470 10 96 Pension EMA 0902 526 755.
Evaluation of applications
Po uzávierke grantového kola expert commission, posúdi všetky žiadosti o grant a vyberie z maximum of them 25 projects , ktoré sa najviac zhodujú s témou ročníka alebo s pod témami grantového programu a ktoré sú v súlade s Evaluation criteria. Pri hodnotení dbáme aj na geografickú proporčnosť podporených projektov v rámci územia Slovenska. Grantová podpora bude udelená žiadateľom projektov s najvyšším hodnotením. Z celkového počtu vybratých projektových žiadostí najviac pätnásť projektov bude podporených priamo. Subsequently, the public will be able to express their support for the selected projects by voting.
Public vote
We care, so that the highest quality project applications are selected, in order to guarantee this, the expert committee will also select eight project applications, which will go to a public vote. O ôsmich projektoch rozhodnú hlasy verejnosti na portáli, pričom each of the selected projects receives the minimum amount of support 1 000 euros and the votes of the public will decide on the proportional increase of the budget for the implementation of projects. Do hlasovania postúpi z každého kraja jeden projekt.
The grant commission reserves the right to adjust the amount of support for individual projects. There is no legal claim to support in the Green Oases grant program and it is not possible to appeal the results.
The best project
After the completion of the implementation of all projects in the fall 2023 the best project will be evaluated. Ten získa okrem ocenenia aj finančnú reward 1 000 eur. The use of these funds is tied exclusively to the sustainability or further development of the winning project.
Dôležité termíny
· 24. novembra 2022 – announcement of the best project of the 16th year / opening 17. ročníka grantového programu Zelené oázy 2023 s the topic S idea, spolu a responsibly.
· 16. January 2023 The 12:00 h – uzávierka prijímania žiadostí o grant
· 31. January 2023 – evaluation of projects
· 6. February - 17. február 2023 – hlasovanie verejnosti
· 24. február 2023 – publication of results and supported projects
· March to October 2023 – realizácia projektov The project must be completed (realized and billed) no later than 31. October 2023.
· november 2023 – year evaluation 2023
We look forward to your projects and future cooperation. The Ekopolis Foundation and the SLOVNAFT company, a.s.