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Ceremonial opening of the project 6. stages of the educational trail on Štefanovská Street in Častej

We dare to inform the citizens, that on Tuesday 7. may 2024 beginning at 14,00 throw. a ceremonial opening will take place 6. stages of the educational trail on Štefanovská Street in Časta with the participation of the Minister of Investments, of regional development and informatization of the SR Richard Raši and the chairman of the Bratislava self-governing region Juraj Droba, representatives of the state administration, regional and territorial self-government, deputies and residents of the village of Častá. The construction of the footpath was currently carried out from the funds of the municipality with the assumption of reimbursement from the announced fund call in which Častá participated. The implementation of the project will increase the safety of pedestrians on Štefanovská street and the adjacent Veterná streets, Solar and Lunar, as well as the overall comfort of living in this part of the village.

We cordially invite citizens to the ceremonial opening of the project.

Municipal office Častá