BVS notification -, a.s. Export of separated waste components -, that there is a water shutdown on the water pipe on Na vršku street. The shutdown will last until the fault is removed. At the same time, a drinking water tank will be installed.
On 25.11. from 8:10 do 16:20 h. there will be an interruption of electricity supply in the streets: Slnečná and Štefanovská. Detailed information on the village website.
On 25.11. from 8:10 do 16:20 h. there will be an interruption of electricity supply in the streets: Slnečná and Štefanovská. Detailed information on the village website.
On 18.11. from 8:10 do 15:20 h. there will be an interruption of electricity supply in the streets: Windy, Štefanovská a Červený Kameň. Detailed information on the village website.
On 18.11. from 8:10 do 15:20 h. there will be an interruption of electricity supply in the streets: Windy, Štefanovská a Červený Kameň. Detailed information on the village website.
West Slovak distribution, a.s. vyzýva vlastníkov a správcov nehnuteľností na odstránenie stromov a porastov, ktoré ohrozujú bezpečnosť prevádzky energ. zariadení najneskôr do 31.1.2025.
On 25.11. from 8:10 do 16:20 h. there will be an interruption of electricity supply in the streets: Slnečná and Štefanovská. Detailed information on the village website.