On 8.7. from 8:10 do 15:20 h. bude prerušenie dodávky el.energie na adrese: Fandly no. 41/28, 42/26; 43/22; 43/24; 45/16. Detailed information on the village website.
On 31.5.2024 from 7:40 do 15:20 h. there will be an interruption of electricity supply in the village at the address: Fandly no. 54. Detailed information on the village website.
On 31.5.2024 from 7:40 do 15:20 h. there will be an interruption of electricity supply in the village at the address: Fandly no. 54. Detailed information on the village website.
On 31.5.2024 from 7:40 do 15:20 h. there will be an interruption of electricity supply in the village at the address: Fandly no. 54. Detailed information on the village website.
Company STENGL, a.s. from 11.-24.5. bude vykonávať ročné odpočty plynu medzi 9-19 throw. We ask the citizens, aby sprístupnili plynomery. in the cemetery orders for granite and marble graves and monuments. odpočtára 0902/980040
On 9.5.2024 from 7:40 do 12:20 h. bude v obci prerušenie dodávky elektrickej energie na uliciach: Červený Kameň No. 19. Detailed information on the village website.
On 9.5.2024 from 7:40 do 12:20 h. bude v obci prerušenie dodávky elektrickej energie na uliciach: Červený Kameň No. 19. Detailed information on the village website.
On 9.5.2024 from 7:40 do 12:20 h. bude v obci prerušenie dodávky elektrickej energie na uliciach: Červený Kameň No. 19. Detailed information on the village website.
On 3.5.2024 from 8:10 do 15:20 h. bude v obci prerušenie dodávky elektrickej energie na uliciach: Home, New, we do not provide other special services, Sokolská, Štefanovská. Viac info na stránke obce