Short notification: Mayor and Culture Commission, sociálnych otázok a verejného poriadk…;
Mayor and Culture Commission, social affairs and public order invite citizens to the Častofsky rínek event, 4.9.2021 from 9 -12,00 on the square.
Mayor and Culture Commission, social affairs and public order invite citizens to the Častofsky rínek event, 4.9.2021 from 9 -12,00 on the square.
Starosta obce a Reštaurácia Štadión pozývajú na tradičnú vatru k 77.výročiu SNP, 28.8. The 17,00 h. The Štadión Restaurant will provide refreshments and entertainment
Starosta obce a Reštaurácia Štadión pozývajú na tradičnú vatru k 77.výročiu SNP, 28.8. The 17,00 h. The Štadión Restaurant will provide refreshments and entertainment
Mayor and Culture Commission, social affairs and public order invite citizens to the Častofsky rínek event, 21.8.2021 from 9 -12,00 on the square.
Mayor and Culture Commission, social affairs and public order invite citizens to the Častofsky rínek event, 21.8.2021 from 9 -12,00 on the square.
Mayor and Culture Commission, sociálnych otázok a verejného poriadku pozývajú občanov na podujatie Častofský rínek, 07.08.2021 from 9 -12,00 on the square.
Mayor and Culture Commission, social affairs and public order invite citizens to the Častofsky rínek event, 24.7.2021 from 9 -12,00 on the square.
Village major, Culture Commission, social questions and order and the Na kolene Theater invite citizens to a Sunday afternoon with a brass band 25.7. from 16 h. in the premises of the District Office
Village major, Culture Commission, social questions and order and the Na kolene Theater invite citizens to a Sunday afternoon with a brass band 25.7. from 16 h. in the premises of the District Office
Mayor and Culture Commission, social affairs and public order invite citizens to the Častofsky rínek event, 10.7.2021 from 9 -12,00 on the square.