Tag: work
Short notification: Predajňa potravín Štefanová príjme predavačku alebo pomocnú pracovnú s…;
Short notification: Domov sociálnych služieb Báhoň príjme do prac.pomeru opatrovateľku a u…;
Short notification: Domov sociálnych služieb príjme do prac.pomeru opatrovateľku a upratov…;
Short notification: Hotel Zochova chata Modra is looking for a chef. Nást.plat 1350 € gross + víke…;
Short notification: Budmerice Agricultural Cooperative will accept beef caretakers into the TPP…: opat…;
Short notification: Horváth Doľany Winery will hire part-timers to pick grapes, ženy na ob…;
Horváth Doľany Winery will hire part-timers to pick grapes, women to harvest,guys for loading, from 20.9.approx 5 weeks, applications on tel. C. 0903/932035
Short notification: Obec Budmerice – Centrum sociálnych služieb príjme do TPP-opatrovateľk…;
The municipality of Budmerice - Center for social services will accept a nanny in the TPP. Start date: 01.07.2021 More information on tel. Health and social services: 0917 147 312.
Short notification: Spoločnosť DHL otvára nové centrum v Ivanke pri Dunaji ponúka prácu pr…;
The DHL company opens a new center in Ivanka near the Danube and offers work for warehouse workers, forklift drivers and admin workers, between two linden trees and was destroyed by the weather.0800 500 540.
Short notification: SHÚ hľadá dobrovoľného pozorovateľa na denné meranie zrážok a zapisova…;
SHÚ is looking for a volunteer observer to measure daily precipitation and record the course of the weather, work is negotiable, tel.contact: 0915/917 926