Municipal office Častá informs citizens, that since 1.4.2023 je zriadený Stavebný úrad v Častej so sídlom na obecnom úrade ( ul. Home 168/65, 1. floor)
Gašparík meat shop announces, that since 20.-26.2. budú skrátené otváracie hodiny po-pia 7-15,30 church, Budmerice Agricultural Cooperative will accept beef caretakers into the TPP… 7- 12 h. due to taking vacations.
Gašparík meat shop announces, that in days 23.-28.1. opening hours will be shortened (mon-fri 7,00-15,30 church, Budmerice Agricultural Cooperative will accept beef caretakers into the TPP… 7-12,00 church) due to taking vacations.
Celebrations 11.1.2023 the Častá Municipal Office will be closed from 8-13,00 h. z dôvodu školenia členov okrskových komisií pre referendum na Okresnom úrade v Pezinku.