Constituent meeting of the municipal council
On Monday 10. December 2018 the constituent meeting of the municipal council was held in Časta. In the presence of invited guests and citizens present, they took the oath:
The newly elected mayor of the village
Mgr. Robert Lederleitner
Newly elected deputies
Mgr, Ľubica Cíferská
Jozef Dukát
Control Commission
Mgr. František Kašický
Mgr. Ľubica Opálková
Ivan Ružek
Ing. Michaela Šuteríková
Ing. Peter Tatranský, PhD.
Martin Turay
The meeting took place according to the proposed program and, in addition to formal points, an amendment to the General Agreement was also approved, by which the new Municipal Council had to (Minutes and extract from the resolution I) react to price increases from the operator of the Dubová landfill and the company exporting solid municipal waste (TKO). This unpopular measure had to be taken for a reason, that price increases have not been done for a long time since about years 2008-2009. The trend for the future will continue in this regard, and the municipalities and cities of Slovakia will have to gradually adapt to the obligation to increase the amount of separated collection. According to statistics, Slovakia is said to be in second last place in the European Union in this indicator. So we ask citizens for their understanding, the municipality more or less had to accede to it. If you want more information, Please, listen to the prepared audio recording of the meeting of the OZ, which will also be published on the website
Photo from the founding meeting of the Association.