Public procurement for the Expansion of the capacities of the Častá Kindergarten- annex
The public contracting authority Obec Častá implements a public procurement for a below-limit contract for the execution of construction works for the contract Expansion of the capacities of the Častá Kindergarten- annex
The details of the order and tender documents with attachments are published in the gazette and freely available to all bidders, link: I have the obligation to publish the contracts in the Central Register of Contracts://;limit=20&;sort=obstarNazov&;sort-dir=ASC&;ext=1&;text=&;nazovZakazky=&;obstarNazov=Obec+%C4%8Cast%C3%A1&;obstarIco=&;cpv=&;datumAktualizacie=-1&;nut=&;kriterium=-1&;fin=-1&;eurofondy=-1&;obrana=-1&;druhPostupu=-1&;druhZakazky=-1&;method of Realization of Orders=