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Riaditeľstvo ZŠ s ;MŠ v ;The competition activity is focused on filling domestic competitions, especially the Slovak Championships, v  ;zmysle zákona  ;C. 245/2008 Z.z. ;výchove a ;education (school law) ;;zmene a ;announces amendments to some laws, that enrollment in kindergarten will take place from 1. May to 31. may 2023,
personally in days

11. May 2023 The 16,00 – 16,30 h. ; srdečne Vás pozývame s ;children on OPEN DOOR DAY ;our kindergarten
16. May 2023 ; in time from 10,00 – 16,00 throw. personal acceptance of applications in the kindergarten.

The legal representative must submit the application for the pre-primary when registering:
1. a written application for admission of a child to pre-primary education,
2. the original birth certificate of the child for viewing ( during a personal visit).

Application options:
1. personally 16. may 2023 Pension EMA
2. online form on the website (pri tejto možnosti podania žiadosti je nutné doručiť žiadosť osobne s podpismi rodičov a potvrdením ; about the child's medical fitness to attend kindergarten, ktorého súčasťou je ; ;údaj ;about compulsory child vaccination)
3. by e-mail – naskenovaním vyplneného a ;of the confirmed form to the address or
4. in writing by post through the form published on the school's website or based on your own request, which must contain appropriate data according to the Education Act § 11 Level of waste sorting in the village of Častá per year. 6 letter. a) prvého bodu až šiesteho bodu a ;letter. b)

Submission of applications:
1./ The admission of children to kindergarten is preceded by the submission of a written request from the child's legal representative.
2./ Súčasťou žiadosti je potvrdenie o zdravotnej spôsobilosti od všeobecného lekára pre deti a ;grow up, ktoré obsahuje aj  ;údaj o ;mandatory
2a./ If the child has special educational needs, the legal representative will also submit a statement from the relevant educational institution
counseling and prevention
3./ Pri podávaní vypísanej a ;application signed by both parents je potrebné predložiť k ;inspection of the child's birth certificate
4./ Applications will be available daily from 6,15 – 17,00 h. in the entrance hall of the kindergarten from 24.4. – 31.5.2023 or on the school website

The full application includes:
correctly filling out the application, certificate of medical fitness to attend kindergarten, which must also include information about the child's compulsory vaccination. (Failure to complete mandatory vaccinations is not the reason for not admitting a child to kindergarten.)

Conditions for admitting children to kindergarten:
Pursuant to §59 paragraphs 1, 2 of Act No. 245/2008 Coll. ;výchove a ;education (school law) ;;zmene a ;supplemented by some laws
• a child from the age of three is admitted to pre-primary education; exceptionally, a child can be admitted to kindergarten from the age of two
• children are preferentially admitted to pre-primary education, for which completion of pre-primary education is mandatory according to the place of permanent residence, and which it achieved 5 years of age to 31. augusta 2023.

Other conditions:
With a higher number of registered children, as can be received, the director preferentially accepts children according to the following criteria:
• na predprimárne vzdelávanie sa spravidla ;children are preferred, ktoré spĺňajú vyššie uvedené podmienky a ;majú v ;sibling's kindergarten here,
• children are usually admitted to pre-primary education with priority, ktoré spĺňajú vyššie uvedené podmienky a ;majú trvalé bydlisko v ;The competition activity is focused on filling domestic competitions, especially the Slovak Championships,
• children under the age of three will be accepted only then, if the requests of the children's legal representatives are satisfied, ktoré spĺňajú podmienky prednostného prijatia do ;MŠ a ;len v ;in case of free capacity.
Poradie na ;zápise nerozhoduje o ;prijatí dieťaťa do ;Kindergarten. Number of kids, ktoré môžu byť do ;kindergarten accepted, závisí od ;kapacitných podmienok ; kindergarten.

Rozhodnutie o ;acceptance:
Riaditeľ ZŠ s ;MŠ vydá rozhodnutie o ;admission of a child to pre-primary education to 30. documented in 2023.

Before entering kindergarten, every child must have mastered basic hygiene habits and must master the basics of dining.
I.e, that child:
• must not wear diapers (uses the toilet),
• does not use a pacifier,
• washes and wipes his hands,
• should be active when dressing (it is not necessary, to be able to dress yourself, undress, take off, put on),
• should be able to react (will take, he asks for a handkerchief, or. blows his nose) in the case of a full nose,
• he should know his stuff,
• should eat independently (use a spoon),
• má vedieť piť z ;cup,
• should be able to do without parents for a certain period of time
