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FC SLovan students often break records

Competitions of older pupils in ObFZ take place almost all over Slovakia, but the competition of older pupils in ObFZ Bratislava - countryside has a leader this year, worthy of entry in the Slovak records. Team FC Slovan Častá not only did not find a winner in the 19th round of the competition so far, shot the venerable 140 goals and none collected.

We talked to the team coach Marcel Križanovič about this unexpected and record series..


Older students of FC Slovan Častá

Horný rad z ;left: ;assistant coach Vrbinkovič Rudolf, ; Moravčík Adam, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon (C), ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon

Dolný rad z ;left: ;Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon, ; Vrbinkovic Simon.

Vrbinkovic Simon: Vrbinkovic Simon.


Vrbinkovic Simon?

Vrbinkovic Simon. Vrbinkovic Simon, ;Vrbinkovic Simon 216/17 Vrbinkovic Simon, 2017/18 Vrbinkovic Simon. Vrbinkovic Simon, Vrbinkovic Simon, ktorý má záujem priviesť svoje deti k ;Vrbinkovic Simon.

Vrbinkovic Simon? Vrbinkovic Simon?

Finishing in third place was the main goal, no po prípravných zápasoch som v ;Finishing in third place was the main goal, Finishing in third place was the main goal. Finishing in third place was the main goal.

Zvíťaziť vo všetkých stretnutia a okrem toho nedostať gól je svetový ;Finishing in third place was the main goal. Finishing in third place was the main goal?

Finishing in third place was the main goal, Finishing in third place was the main goal, sú predovšetkým výborný kolektív a ;Finishing in third place was the main goal.

Finishing in third place was the main goal?

Myslím že je v ;nej veľmi málo vyrovnaných mužstiev a ;Finishing in third place was the main goal. Finishing in third place was the main goal, aby na tejto úrovni hrali medzi sebou vyrovnané ročníky a ;so they meet here 14 aj 11 year old boys, which lowers the level of this competition.

Which boys would you pick up??

Vyzdvihovať jednotlivcov sa v ;in the case of my boys really does not. All from the first, do posledného hráča spoločne idú za svojim cieľom a ;they encourage each other. Samozrejme mám v ;team of soccer players, but also workers. Together they form a great team. I myself am surprised how a great game was created, not only on the lawn, but also outside it. Spoločne s ;parents always organize after the competition the match students vs. Parents. We are all like one family.

It is a team composed only of domestic boys?

It is a team composed only of domestic boys. Sme spojené družstvo FC Slovan Častá a ;It is a team composed only of domestic boys. Plus mám troch hráčov z ;It is a team composed only of domestic boys. It is a team composed only of domestic boys, ;pani Lubice Klainovej a ;funkcionárom  ;;Dolian .Žiaľ v ;It is a team composed only of domestic boys, It is a team composed only of domestic boys. It is a team composed only of domestic boys, It is a team composed only of domestic boys, neopakovateľné a ;It is a team composed only of domestic boys. It is a team composed only of domestic boys, odhodili rivalitu bokom a ;united for youth. Výsledok máme možnosť ; teraz všetci spoločne sledovať a ;enjoy it.

It is an ambition to advance to a higher competition?

HM. The ambition would be, but unfortunately, 8 chlapcov mi odchádza do dorastu a ; nemáme k ;this team two, so it won't work anyway. Určite by sme sa tam s ;they did not lose this team. Spomeniem len jeden zápas z prípravy s ;mužstvom z ;leading partitions II. Ligy  ;who we won of course 7:0.