- Initial information from the Government Office of the Slovak Republic and the municipality's questionnaire. PDF
- Call 2009-02.pdf
- Submission of an Application for NFP in the quality of a project intention, spracovali –; Ing. Tatra Peter, Ing. Porkert Marian, Ing. Garajová Mária, Stanislav Jablonovský.PDF
- Resolution of the National Monitoring Committee for the Swiss Financial Mechanism on Call 2009-02.PDF
- Presentation of the village of Častá from the day 02.12.2010 during the visit of representatives of the Swiss Confederation in Časta
- Working meeting of representatives of the village, Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Swiss Confederation on 02.12.2010.pdf
- Approval of the Application for NFP in the quality of the Project Plan for the Municipal Sewerage and WWTP for the municipality of Častá.PDF
- Confirmation of interest in finishing the Application for NFP in the quality of the Final draft of the project.PDF
- Deadline for submission of the Application for NFP in the quality of the Final Project Proposal in accordance with Call 2009-02.PDF
- Contract on the implementation of the project preparation tool.PDF
- Notice of the submission of the Application for NFP from the ŠFM for the project Whole-municipal sewerage and WWTP for the village of Častá.pdf
- Supplement no. 1 to the Agreement on the implementation of the project preparation tool.PDF
- The results of the expert evaluation of the Applications for NFP in the quality of the Final draft of the project by the Selection Committee within the Call 2009-02.pdf
- Notification of the referral of the Application for NFP in the quality of the Final Project Proposal.PDF
- Supplement no. 2 to the Agreement on the implementation of the project preparation tool.PDF
- Presentation of projects_Conference SFM 6-2012_Obec Casta.pdf
- Luck wishes the prepared.pdf
- Zmluva o realizácii projektu –; text.pdf
- Meeting of the RV.pdf
- Declaration of VO in the journal Celoobecna kanalizácia a.pdf
- formulate § 41- others 09.10.2013.pdf
- publicity Frequent 1.PDF
- publicity Frequent 2.PDF
- publicita Časta 3.PDF
- formulate § 41- Criteria.pdf
- Joint meeting of the municipality with representatives of the Swiss Confederation and NKB at the Central Committee of the Slovak Republic.pdf
- Signing of the work contract with the contractor for the construction of the Municipal Sewerage and WWTP for the municipality of Častá.pdf
- Canal building. started.pdf
- Harmonogram konečná verzia –; Harmonogram.pdf
- Clear construction situation, legenda –; after reducing the scope of construction.pdf
- Physical schedule according to modified FC-2.pdf
- Addendum No. 1 to ZoD canalization.PDF
- Addendum No. 1 to contract 333.PDF
- Supplement no. 2 to the project implementation contract