Paper and plastic bags
Oznámenie o distribúcií žltých a modrých vriec na zber plastov tetrapakov a metals and paper from family houses for a year 2023
Based on negotiations with the company OLO a.s., ktorá zabezpečuje vývoz odpadov v obci we announce to citizens, that the distribution of yellow bags for the export of plastics, tetrapakov a kovov a modrých vriec na vývoz papiera z rodinných domov they won't be in the year 2023 implemented by employees of the export company. Citizens can come to the municipal office for bags for sorted collection for the whole year. All bags will always be exported, i.e. any amount, which citizens interpret.
Na vývoz paper and plastics, blue and yellow bags or other bags must be used, which must be transparent. The company had to approach this solution because of, že občania do vriec čiernej a nepriehľadnej farby odovzdávali stavebný and hazardous waste, which caused damage to the vehicle and the sorting line. We ask the citizens, to use only bags for paper and plastics, in which the content is visible, other bags by OLO a.s. neodoberie.